Degut a s'aument de visitants en aquests darrer mesos des de Blog&Cemento volem oferir "algo més", comensam amb tota una nova imatge i qui sap si acaba concretan't-te una cita amb miss Hilton!! (movem fils) Dit d'una altre manera, ens em inspirat en na Britney después de seu "rape" però en una manera no tan "satànica"! Viva Blog&Cemento!!! Renovarse o morir!
Per altra banda, vos demanareu per que c"ny Tsorm loves australia!? molt sencill! después d'incorporar es contador de visites que localitza d'on les rebem, Australia es mostra com a gran potència! són més d'una trentena per ara, i espera!!! Només volem donar-lis les gràcies i no desaporfitar s'oportunitat per demanar si colqu d'aquest pais mos ofereix puesto per estar si TSORM viatja allà per vacances!
Lately this blog has been reciving a bunch of visitor every day and it seem to be growing even more! that's why here at Blog&Cemento we have decide offering something else! something new! And yes, we've started with a bran new graphic design style! maybe someday we can offer you a date with miss Hilton... wait pacient please! We have been inspired by Britney but not in her's "satanic" way! Refresh or die!!
In the other hand, you may ask yourself why the f*ck Tsorm (us) loves Australia! well it's easy! since we added this visitor counter that says where are these visitors from, we realized that Australia is n#1 day after the other! We just thank them, and don't want to fail to take advantage of asking anyone from that country for a place to stay if TSORM spend there a vacations!! ;)
martes, marzo 13, 2007
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1 comentario:
Good job B&C! thanks for posting it on english!
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